Science may be a subject that you or your child find daunting and challenging. We find that a lot of the enquiries we get here at Kip Wembley are related to difficulties with both science and maths together. It does not matter whether you are struggling to understand the tissues and organs of the human digestive system at Key Stage 3, or whether your completely stumped at having to interpret a displacement reaction between copper sulfate and magnesium, our Kip McGrath Wembley team can help you. We have seen remarkable progress with our senior science students. Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Simply give us a call and we can put together a free tailor made assessment for you.
Our classes are small – we have a maximum of five students to one teacher. All of our Science teachers are fully qualified and have in depth knowledge of the curriculum, whether it’s OCR, Edexcel or AQA. Typically, a lesson might start off with a quiz which helps to test prior knowledge taught and then we move onto tutorials which are highly specific and tailored to the individual’s needs. In between, our teachers will sit alongside you or your child and go through any specific topics that they might be struggling with in school.
There are some common errors that you may be making in your Biology studies. For example, are you getting confused between cell membranes and cell walls? Or perhaps you might be struggling to grapple with a correct and concise definition of mitochondria or enzymes. Whatever it is that you are having difficulty with, our Kip Science teachers can help. They can guide and teach you the correct definitions you should be applying to head scratching problems! And by the way, mitochondria release or transfer energy in the cell and enzymes are large molecules that are found in cells.
Students often find it challenging to write the formula for a molecule or compound based on its name. If this is something you or your child find difficult, our Kip Wembley science teachers would advise to decide whether the compound is covalent or ionic first. The name is the big clue if the compound is covalent. For example, Carbon Monoxide means one carbon and one oxygen atom (CO). Of course, there are exceptions to this rule such as water, ammonia and methane amongst others but there aren’t that many, so it is best to learn them for the exam. We can help you with specific techniques to tough topics here at Kip Wembley.
You may have noticed that in the new GCSE Physics paper, there are a lot of equations. You may be thinking learning all of these on top of everything else is an uphill battle, but the best way to master these equations is to understand how they work. That, along with a lot of exam practice (which we will help you with), will break down physics for you in to a more manageable bitesize chunk! Remember to always show your working out because as with maths, you can gain a lot from method marks.
Each science programme is carefully put together according to the needs of the student. Whether your child is struggling with key vocabulary in Biology or getting to grips with Chemical equations, we have the right solution for them. Let our trusted team of qualified Science tutors help your child get the grades they are looking for.